Membership and Participation
Faculty status is accorded to:
- Members of the teaching staff.
- Those in the positions of Vice President for Information Technology Services, information technology consultants, and those in designated professional librarian positions.
- Persons occupying major administrative positions in academic affairs and student life. These include the Provost; at the College of Arts & Sciences, the Vice President and Dean and the academic deans, the Vice President for Student Life, the Dean of Campus Ministries/Campus Pastor, and the Associate Dean of Off-Campus Programs/International Studies; at the College of Adult & Professional Studies, the Vice President and Dean and the academic deans; at the Seminary, the Vice President and Dean; the Registrar.
- Student Life personnel with major administrative and/or teaching responsibilities (salary grade 9 and above) and who hold a master’s degree or higher. Qualifying personnel could include head coaches, assistant coaches, deans, associate deans, assistant deans, the director of counseling services, the director of career development and calling, the career services specialist, the multicultural student advisor, and resident directors. Faculty status acknowledges graduate-level preparation and the role of student life professional staff as educators.
Voting Rights
All members of the university faculties may participate in discussion at business sessions of their respective school, but the privilege of voting is restricted to persons teaching four or more courses per year, to the persons referred to in 2) above, and to such Seminary administrators as shall be appointed through the normal process of interview by faculty and by a committee of the Board of Trustees.
Office of the Provost