Extended Desktop is the computer setup that allows the user to have their desktop with icons etc. visible to themselves and an “extended” screen that allows them view or present material that they transfer to that screen. This may allow the user to use PowerPoint in a way that lets the audience see the slides while the presenter continues to see their notes for that slide.
In CC 313 the extended desktop is available from the onboard desktop computer and from PC laptops through the liteshow feature. This feature is not currently available for Mac laptop users.
To use this feature from the
CC313 Instructor Teaching Center Computer:
Simultaneously press the Windows logo key + p.
Select extend.
You are now ready to present in extended mode.
To use this feature from
a laptop using
LiteShow in CC313:
Select the liteShow manager
Establish the connection from the laptop to the liteShow
Select the menu option form the litshow dock
From the drop down menu “Select Projection Desktop”
From the pop out menu choose “Extended Desktop”
NOTE: You may need to install the Virtual Display Driver.