Definition of a Weapon
Weapons The possession, use, or distribution of any kind of weapon, including explosives, guns or other deadly or dangerous materials capable of, or potentially capable of, producing bodily injury is prohibited on Bethel property unless specifically authorized in writing by the director of security or the director’s authorized representative. Prohibited weapons include, but are not limited to, handguns, rifles, shotguns, other firearms, knives, stun guns/ tasersTasers, potato cannons, paintball guns, pellet/BB guns, martial arts weaponry, bows, slingshots (including those for water balloons), and any other projectile devices used in game or sporting activities, including ammunition, arrows, or other types of projectiles associated with such items, are prohibited on Bethel property except by authorized personnel within the security and safety departmentobjects associated with weaponry. This prohibition is to be interpreted in the broadest sense to include any such weaponry and further extends to “toy” toys or facsimiles of weapons (including air-soft airsoft guns) thereof, which can cause bodily harm or threat appear threatening to other persons.
Firearms Check
An An exception to the above prohibition is that persons who reside in campus housing may possess game hunting or trapshooting trap shooting firearms as long as they are both (a) registered with Bethel Security and (b) stored by security personnel immediately after being brought on campus, while on campus, and taken from campus immediately after being returned to the owner from security storage.
The The weapons prohibition set forth above further extends to all Bethel sponsored or related faculty, staff, and student sponsored off-campus activities, including business, academic, sporting or leisure activities, related travel, or any other events involving Bethelthat take place as part of the academic, student life, or business functions of the university. This prohibition against possession of weaponry explicitly includes applies to those traveling in vehicles owned or operated by Bethel or Bethel personnel.
Bethel Security Bethel security and Safety safety personnel and Student Life student life staff members are authorized to make reasonable inquiries and searches as necessary to enforce this policy . Anyone on Bethel property and off campus at Bethel sponsored events. Any individual who is found in violation of this policy and has a weapon on campus will be subject to confiscation and forfeiture of the weapons and disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.required to immediately remove it from campus or store it with Bethel Security. Any unsecured weapon or ammunition may be confiscated and secured by security and safety personnel and will be relinquished to local law enforcement in the event the owner is not present.
This policy applies to all Bethel students, Bethel employees and visitors to Bethel. Violators may be ordered to immediately leave Bethel property. Violation of this policy by a Bethel employee or student may result in discipline, up to and including immediate termination of employment or expulsion from the University.