Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Identify the location for the recording
  • Identify the set
  • Script or outline the presentation
  • Practice reading your script or presenting your outline out load several times before recording it
  • Create graphics or slides to accompany your presentation, as needed

Slide Design

  • Use a Bethel PowerPoint Template. This facilitates the use of:
    • a 16x9 widescreen format
    • a consistent font and font size
  • Use a font size of 32 point for headers and 24-28 point for slide content; if there is very little text on a slide make it 32 point
  • Create slides with a significant amount of white space (blank space); ideally 60% of your slide will be blank
  • Emphasize important words or phrases by making them a contrasting color, or a larger font size
  • Limit yourself to six bullets per slide (use more slides for more bullets)
  • Consider limiting yourself to six words per bullet
  • Avoid the use of underlining and italics
  • Use PowerPoint animations to ensure your narration and text on-screen match, by revealing text as you discuss it.
  • Do not use PowerPoint transitions between slides. These can create technical problems when converting a narrated PowerPoint file into a video format
