Type of travel: Air | ||
Travel time to and from airport | Outside of normal work hours | No |
Travel time to and from airport | Within normal work hours | Yes |
Time spent at airport | Outside of normal work hours | Yes |
Time spent at airport | Within normal work hours | Yes |
Meal times | At anytime | No |
Time on the airplane and employee is not working | Outside of normal work hours | No |
Time on the airplane and employee is not working | Within normal work hours | Yes |
Time on the airplane and employee is not working | Outside of normal work hours | Yes |
Time on the airplane and employee is not working | Within normal work hours | Yes |
Travel time once at destination (from airport to hotel) | Outside of normal work hours | Yes |
Travel time once at destination (from airport to hotel) | Within normal work hours | Yes |
Time at hotel | Outside of normal work hours | No |
Time at hotel | Within normal work hours | Yes |