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Description: Screen capture software allows the user to create a video of what appears on the screen. Audio may be recorded simultaneously. Some versions allow the user to edit and annotate the video after the capture it is saved. Screen Capture videos can be streamed from YouTube and linked in Moodle for viewing.

Best Practice:

  • Limit scope of use to one objective
  • Orient view to what they are seeing
  • Speak clearly
  • Align mouse movements with narrations



  • On a computer use Use an external USB microphone to record on a computer, when possible
    • e.g., Blue Snowball Mic available for checkout from the BU library
    • a microphone on a headset (even earbuds) is better than the internal mic on a computer
  • Use a microphone app to record on a smartphone.
    • The microphone on a smartphone is better than the internal mic on a computer
    • a  microphone on a headset (even earbuds) will improve the sound quality
    • an external mic can be purchased for a smartphone, which will improve the sound quailityquality



Recording Tips

  • Drink water before recording to avoid mouth noises
  • Silence all devices
  • Keep microphone a few inches away from mouth
  • Make sure audio quality and levels are good by recording a quick test and listening back to it


  • Decide what it is you are going to capture - it's better to develop 2 or 3 shorter screen captures rather than one longer oneThe size of the screen capture should be less than 1024 X 768
  • Develop a script or outline of how you are going to narrate the screen capture
  • Do a couple of dry runs
  • Create the screen captures 
