This section is for any issues or questions on a particular item on the checklist. In this section, you will see the checklist item, how long it can take to receive a check upon completion, and who to contact for issues or questions. If there are items in this section that are not on your checklist, Bethel has already taken care of that item or it doesn't apply to you. Please refresh your browser to double check for a checkmark before reaching out to the proper team. Academic Registration Information Form - should be immediate - contact the Registrar All Financial Aid components - can take up to a day - contact Financial Aid Apply for Housing - should be immediate - contact Student Life Cleared to Register for Classes - contact Advisor Final College Transcript - can take up to two days - contact Enrollment Management Operations ( Final High School Transcript - can take up to two days - contact Enrollment Management Operations ( First Payment Made - should be immediate - contact the Business Office Health Insurance - should be immediate - contact Health Services High School Counselor Form - can take up to two days - contact Enrollment Management Operations ( Immunization Records - should be immediate - contact Health Services (if filling out the Conscientious Objection form, can take up to a week) Language Placement - can take up to a week - contact the Registrar Math Placement - can take up to a day - contact the Registrar Minnesota State Form - can take up to two days - contact Enrollment Management Operations ( My Profile - should be immediate - contact the IT Help Desk Payment Agreement - should be right away - contact the Business Office Racial and Ethnic Harassment training - can take up to a day - contact Shaune Yonkers: Title IX Compliance ( Registered for Payment - should be immediate - contact the Business Office Room Selection - should be immediate - contact Student Life School Bill Satisfied - should be immediate - contact the Business Office Sexual Misconduct training - can take up to a day - contact Shaune Yonkers: Title IX Compliance ( |