Fall 2019: The following software should be available on every Windows Instructor Workstation and most public lab computers:
- Accessory Apps: (type name of the App in the search bar)
- Calculator
- Camera - use to record a quick live video
- Notepad - simple text editor
- Paint - simple image program
- Run - Type a program and Windows opens it
- Snipping Tool - Windows screen capture tool - take a snip
- Sound Recorder - simple audio recorder
- Wordpad - simple word-like program
- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
- Adobe Flash Player
- Audacity and Lame Encoder
- Google Chrome
- Google Earth
- Google SketchUp
- IBM SPSS Amos 26
- IBM SPSS Statistics 26
- Java 8
- Kurzweil 3000
- Logitech Webcam Software
- Mathematica (Wolfram)
- Microsoft Office Professionsal Plus 2019
- Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher, OneNote
- Microsoft Silverlight
- Microsoft Visual C++
- Mozilla Firefox
- Sketchup 2016
- Turning Point
- VLC Media Player
- Wolfram Mathematica
- Zoom
Faculty needing software installed for their class that is not part of the above list can request it via the ITS page - https://www.bethel.edu/its/hardware-software/instructor-station. Please allow one to two weeks for testing and installation of the new software.