Access Google Drive
Sharing Options
Get Embed Code
Access Google Drive
- You can access your Google Drive by clicking on the 9 squares in the upper right corner of your Gmail account.
- You can then click on the Google Drive Icon
You then click on the “New” button and select “File upload”
Sharing Preference
- Once the video has finished processing you can set your share preferences. By default anyone at Bethel withe the link can view the video. To change the setting you can click on the share icon
You can then select from the list. To share with people outside of Bethel click on "more"
- If you want to get a URL, you can highlight it, click the get shareable link icon
Copy the link and paste it in your Moodle assignment or share it however needed
Embed Code
- If you want to use an embed code you can click on the preview icon
- Then click on the more options icon (three dots)
- You can then click on the more options icon agains and select get "embed item"