In August of 1996, Bethel College & Seminary became a Minnesota not-for-profit corporation, an action coinciding with a reorganization of the Baptist General Conference, an Illinois corporation of which Bethel had long been a department. They are “twin” corporations. In 2004, the institution adopted the name Bethel University. The Bethel Corporation is governed by a board of trustees who, with the exception of two representatives of the district executive ministers’ council, are elected or confirmed by delegates from the churches of the Baptist General Conference/Converge Worldwide. Bethel’s President and the President of the Baptist General Conference/Converge Worldwide are ex officio members. The board meets three times a year, and its duties include the following:
At its meetings, the board seeks to act only upon matters of policy, leaving the details of administration to its employed personnel. The authority of the board rests in the board as a whole, not in individual members. All reports for the campus are brought to the board by the President or designated associates.
Three faculty members represent the faculties at regular meetings of the Board of Trustees. These representatives serve primarily as resource personnel who enable the trustees to hear and to test out representative faculty opinion in the general board meetings and particularly in the board committees. In order to be fully prepared for this participation the faculty representatives receive agendas and relevant materials before the meetings. They are expected to report on board action and discussion to their respective faculties.
In a similar way, student representatives also are invited to participate in board meetings.
The Board of Trustees organizes itself annually into several standing committees, in addition to the Executive Committee described below, to give in-depth attention to the many dimensions of the work of the university. In addition, it creates ad hoc committees to carry out short-term assignments.
The chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, and assistant secretary of the board and such other members of the board that may be appointed by the board comprise the Executive Committee. It meets several times throughout the year. The primary function of the Executive Committee is to act on behalf of the board between regular meetings of the board. The committee at all times is subject to the direction of the board and possesses its authority only in matters that cannot await the next regular meeting of the board for action and in matters delegated to it by the board. All decisions made by the Executive Committee are reported to the board for ratification at its next regular meeting.
Office of the Provost