ITS Notice of Disabled Computer Account
This computer's account has been disabled by ITS as an inactive computer
Please contact the Help Desk at x6500 to report this message and reactivate the account

Meaning of Error Message:
- The computer was flagged as inactive for more that 180 days, AWOL, or associated with a terminated employee and moved in Active Directory to Desktops Services' OU (Organizational Unit) for such computers (DesktopServicesComputers/BSP/LockOut/Never Gonna Give You Up).
- This OU restricts logging into the computer to Help Desk staff and Desktop Services staff and student workers so users are not able to login and are forced to contact ITS to resolve this.
Resolving the issue:
Contact Desktop Services to resolve the issue:
- If the computer was erroneously placed in the OU, Desktop Services will just need to move it in Active Directory to the appropriate OU and have the user reboot the computer while connected to Bethel network to revert it to normal operation.
- If the computer was placed into the OU as a recovery tool option we will need to address the associated issue
- If additional time is needed for the computer a return to ITS date should be defined and documented in a case and have the computer moved back to normal OU
- If the laptop simply needs to be returned to ITS as in the case of a terminated employee overdue in turning his or her laptop, it can be dropped off at the Help Desk.
- If the user has data on the computer they need prior to turning it in, the Help Desk can login to the laptop and assist the user with saving their data.
- If the user has a computer that is eligible under the Employee Computer Retention Policy and would like to keep their laptop, the Help Desk can assist in backing up the user's data before Desktop Services reimages the laptop with the donation image.