Links in red are pending updates once the new IAM reaches production.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Bethel Community Account?

A Bethel Community Account (BCA) consists of a username, a collection of associated data and a specific, tailored set of access privileges. A BCA is used to access Bethel’s computing resources (campus computers, campus WiFi, Moodle, Blink, etc).

Who's eligible for a Bethel Community Account?

You are eligible for a BCA based on your roles (such as applicant, student, faculty, or staff).

The applicant role is assigned to an individual applying for a current or future term. This role remains in effect until:

SchoolDays into enrollment term
College of Arts & Sciences14
College of Adult & Professional StudiesLast day of term
Graduate SchoolLast day of term
Bethel Seminary14

The student role is assigned to any individual registered for at least one course in an active term. The definition of "active term" is consistent for all schools and varies by term:

TermDays before term beginsDays after term ends
All other terms4515

The staff role is assigned 14 days before the start of an active job for any non-faculty staff member. This role is removed on the day the active job ends.

The faculty role is assigned to any faculty member who is teaching a course or has a non-instructional assignment in an active term. The definition of “active term” varies by school:

SchoolDays before term beginsDays after term ends
College of Arts & Sciences12030
College of Adult & Professional Studies180105
Graduate School180105
Bethel Seminary12030

This role is also given to staff members who support academic programs, such as administrative assistants, library and registrar staff, and the Executive Leadership Team.

At the Days after term ends time, users with the FACULTY role will gain RECENT-FACULTY. This will allow faculty to maintain access to their account. They will lose access using the metric below:

Days after term ends
College of Arts & Sciences
College of Adult & Professional Studies
Graduate School
Bethel Seminary

Who is not eligible for a Bethel Community Account?

The alumni role is assigned to a current student in the term for which they have applied to graduate. A former student that did not graduate but has completed 30 credits in their program will transition to an alumni role within one year of withdrawal.

The RETIREE-STAFF role is not eligible for a BCA account. 

What can I do with a Bethel Community Account?

Your access to electronic resources varies by role:

What is a username? Can I have more than one? Can my username be changed?

Your username is the unique identifier you will use to access Bethel’s computing resources. Your username is automatically generated for you and will normally be composed of 3 letters followed by 5 digits (for example, abc12345).

You’ll only have one username, regardless of how many roles you have. It is assigned for life and won’t be modified or reassigned.

What is account activation?

Account activation is the process by which a Bethel Community Account is activated for use. To do this, you’ll either follow an account activation link or enter your assigned username and temporary password on the account activation page. After agreeing to /wiki/spaces/ITSKB/pages/50017185, you’ll set a new password and provide answers to challenge questions.

How do I get an account activation link or find out what my username and temporary password are?

If you’re new to Bethel as a student, the account you used to apply will automatically transition before your first registered classes start. If you're starting at Bethel in another role, the office responsible for welcoming you to Bethel will provide you with either an account activation link (sent to you via email) or your assigned username and temporary password (typically mailed to you). See “Questions? Who do I contact?” for contact information.

What is identity proofing?

Identity proofing lets Bethel confirm that you are who you say you are. Before we can email you an account activation link or provide you with your username and temporary password, we’ll need to verify it’s really you.

What guidance is there about selecting a password and/or challenge responses?

Please read the best practices for selecting passwords, passphrases and challenge responses.

How do I change my password?

You can change your password online.

How do I reset my password?

You can reset your password online.

Questions? Who do I contact?

Password reset or account activation

If you need to reset your password or activate your account, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 651.638.6500 or

For faculty and staff password resets or activations, please contact Human Resources at 651.638.6119 or

Role data issues

If Bethel's records of your relationship do not match what you believe they should be and/or changed unexpectedly, you may need to contact the office responsible for that affiliation.

RoleSchoolOfficeEmail AddressPhone Number
ApplicantCollege of Arts & SciencesCAS Admissionsundergrad-admissions@bethel.edu651.638.6242

College of Adult & Professional StudiesCAPS Admissionsadult-undergrad-admissions@bethel.edu651.635.8000

Graduate SchoolGS Admissionsgraduate-admissions@bethel.edu651.635.8000

Bethel SeminaryBethel Seminary Admissionsseminary-admissions@bethel.edu651.638.6288
Student, Recent-StudentCollege of Arts & SciencesCAS Registrarcas-registrar@bethel.edu651.635.8525

College of Adult & Professional StudiesCAPS/SEM/GS Registrarcaps-sem-gs-registrar@bethel.edu651.635.8530

Graduate SchoolCAPS/SEM/GS Registrarcaps-sem-gs-registrar@bethel.edu651.635.8530

Bethel Seminary St. PaulCAPS/SEM/GS Registrarcaps-sem-gs-registrar@bethel.edu651.635.8530

Bethel Seminary San DiegoBSSD Registrarbssd-registrar@bethel.edu619.325.5217

Bethel Seminary of the EastCAPS/SEM/GS Registrarcaps-sem-gs-registrar@bethel.edu651.635.8530
ITS Help Deskhelpdesk@bethel.edu651.638.6500
College of Arts & SciencesCAS Academic Affairscas-academic-affairs@bethel.edu651.638.6800
College of Adult & Professional StudiesCAPS Academic Affairspnixon@bethel.edu651.635.8024
Graduate SchoolGS Academic Affairspnixon@bethel.edu651.635.8024
Bethel SeminarySeminary Academic Affairssem-academic-affairs@bethel.edu651.638.6787
Staff, Sponsored-Staff, Retiree


You can also reach any of the above offices through Bethel's toll-free number, 800.255.8706