Initial guide to logging in for the first time off-site and on a different network. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Connect to WiFi

  2. Connect to VPN

  3. Sign in to Windows

1. Upon receiving the computer, you must connect the computer to a local network. Such as a home WiFi, or via ethernet. By selecting the internet button. 

a. Once the connection has been made on the computer. You may back out to the main page.

2. From the main page you select the Network Sign-In button. (Can look like either photo)


a. After Cisco AnyConnect loads. It will require you to enter in the blank bar. 

b. This will prompt a sign in box to appear. At that point, you may enter your BCA and password to connect to Bethel's VPN. 

3. Once connected to VPN, you may sign in with those same credentials that were just used in Step 2b. On the lock screen. 

a. From that point you should be able to use the computer normally while on the VPN. 

For any other VPN questions after initially signing in you may reference this article

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