Bethel's Academic YouTube Channels

Bethel's Academic YouTube Channels

Bethel's Academic YouTube Channels exists to:

  • increase the reputation of Bethel University and Bethel faculty by making public high quality videos that showcase academic content.
  • provide educational materials that advance the common good.
  • make academic content available to alumni for their reference and continuing education.
  • contribute to the OER (open educational resources) movement.

List of Bethel's Academic YouTube Channels:


  1. Metadata is required for each video posted to the channels. 
  2. Metadata makes the video searchable, and enables Bethel to keep a record of what's been posted.
  3. Metadata includes information like: 
    1. Bethel course number
    2. Course name
    3. Video title
    4. Video creator's name
    5. Video creator's degree
    6. Video creator's title
    7. Video description
    8. Keywords
    9. Video length
    10. School or office for which the video was created
    11. Program for which the video was created
  4. Complete this Video Information Form for each video that you would like posted.

Examples of Descriptions and Keywords:

Example 1

Video TitleHerzberg's Motivation Theory
Video Description: Herzberg's Two-factor Theory of Motivation is wonderfully helpful and based on solid research. This video provides the main concepts, and why this theory might be important to you.
Video Keywords: Herzberg, two factor, hygiene factors, motivation, motivators

Example 2

Video Title: Organizational Structure & Organizational Culture
Video Description: Highlights the organizational culture and climate of schools and their impact on managing change and student achievement. Viewers are encouraged to reflect on the organization they are part of and how the structure impacts the culture and climate.
Video Keywords: organizational structure, school culture, shared leadership, complex change, student achievement


  • Permission from Course Developers and Faculty is required in order for Bethel to publicly post videos to the channels. 
  • CAPS/SEM/GS has a process that is managed through the Office of Academic Affairs. 
  • Contact Academic Development (academic-development@bethel.edu) with questions, or to request that a video be removed from the channels.

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