Tips for Recording Audio

Description: Audio recordings can be linked in Moodle, then downloaded and listened to at the convenience of the audience.

Best Practices:

  • Limit audio recordings to 30 minutes
  • Segment lengthy topics sub-points to record separately
  • Write a script for prepared content
  • Determine key points; deliver them succinctly and concisely
  • Extend longevity for lecture content intended for reuse by avoiding: references to current events, dates, page numbers, the weather, etc.

Examples of Use:

  • Course lecture content
  • Narrate Slides (e.g., PowerPoint or Keynote)
  • Guest Speakers
  • Interviews
  • Discussions
  • Weekly communication
  • Summaries of forums, assignments, blog posts, wikis, etc.
  • Audio contributions to assignments or forums by students



  • Use an external USB microphone to record on a computer, when possible
    • e.g., Blue Snowball Mic available for checkout from the BU library
    • a microphone on a headset (even earbuds) is better than the internal mic on a computer
  • Use an audio recording app to record on a smartphone (e.g., Voice Memo on iOS, Recorder App on Android)
    • The microphone on a smartphone is better than the internal mic on a computer
    • a  microphone on a headset (even earbuds) will improve the sound quality
    • an external mic can be purchased for a smartphone, which will improve the sound quality


Recording Tips

  • Drink water before recording to avoid mouth noises
  • Silence all devices
  • Keep microphone a few inches away from mouth
  • Make sure audio quality and levels are good by recording a quick test and listening back to it through headphones

Tips for Recording From Home:

  • Find a quiet room to record in
  • Record during a quiet time of the day or night
  • Avoid other voices, traffic noises, barking dogs, kitchen noises, etc.
  • Mute phones and other devices with alarms or audible signals
  • Select a room that has a significant amount of "softness" which will reduce echos. This includes items like:
    • carpeting
    • drapes
    • furniture upholstered with fabric
    • bedding
    • clothing
    • pillows

How to do it yourself:

Step One

  • Write an outline or script
  • Record a short segment and play it back to check the sound quality
  • Record yourself
  • Save your file as an .mp3, .m4a, or .wav

Step Two

  • Choose Your Deployment Method - place in Moodle (audio files that are less than 50MB), or share via Google Drive (audio files greater than the 50MB Moodle file limit).