Computer and Network Use Policy

Computer and Network Use Policy

Bethel University makes computers and a high-speed network available on campus to its employees for use in fulfilling their institutional responsibilities, from personal productivity to scholarship. All individuals who use computer systems on the campus network are expected to abide both by all applicable state and federal laws and by all appropriate institutional policies, including the Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources Policy https://iam.bethel.edu/ruptext. html.

The size of the institutional investment, as well as the complexity of the computing community and resource requirements, clearly demand that all users approach computing responsibly and ethically. When an individual misuses our resources or acts in unethical ways, we all suffer. When we do our computing in a cooperative manner, we all benefit directly.

Bethel regards the improper or unauthorized use of our computer resources as illegal under both state and federal law. Such improper or unauthorized use may involve a number of different criminal violations, such as invasion of privacy, fraud, copyright violations, or communications that are libelous or obscene.

Use of equipment and supplies for a long-term church-related activity must have prior project and cost recovery approval. Use of equipment and supplies for private business, or when the operator is remunerated, is not authorized.

Personal use of equipment is extended to retirees or professors emeritus only upon prior approval on an individual project basis. All requests must be in writing and submitted to the proper administrative committee.

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