Lobbying and Political Campaign Activity

Lobbying and Political Campaign Activity

Bethel University enjoys tax-exempt charitable organization status pursuant to §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Accordingly, federal law and the IRS place specific limits on the type of political activity and lobbying that the University may engage in on its own behalf or on behalf of others. The rules and regulations are lengthy and complex, but it is generally accurate to state that the University must maintain strict neutrality in political campaigns. Lobbying on legislative issues by the University is also severely limited. 

Political activity, including supporting specific candidates, or lobbying for or against specific issues, engaged by Bethel employees in their individual capacity and not as representatives of the University, is, however, permissible. The laws and regulations restricting political activity/lobbying by the University are not intended to chill or discourage individual employees from exercising their rights as citizens to engage in such activities as long as it is clear in all contexts that the employee is acting as an individual and not as a representative of the University. 

Consequently, in order to avoid confusion or an inadvertent breach of applicable law or IRS regulations, employees should follow the following guidelines: 

1.  If you engage in political activity such as campaigns for candidates or lobbying on legislative issues, be sure to state where appropriate that you are acting in an individual capacity and not as an employee of or a representative of the University. 

2.  The use of any University resources or facilities by employees for political purposes is strictly prohibited.

3.  Special care must be taken by department heads, executives, and others in positions of leadership in the Bethel University community to be sure that their personal political activity is properly identified as personal and does not in any way represent the views of the University. 

4.  Do not engage in political activity, campaigning, or lobbying activity on the University campus without obtaining specific clearance from your supervisor or other appropriate officers.

If you have any doubt as to what activity is or is not permitted, please contact the Office of People and Culture for further clarification and information.

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