Changing My Bethel Email Address

Changing My Bethel Email Address


Bethel Community members who wish to use a different email address may select an email alias for their account. The available addresses contain parts of your name. 

Note: this does not change your Bethel username. You will still receive any emails sent to your (username)@bethel.edu email address.

Reserving/Activating an Email Alias

  1. Log into IAM at https://iam.bethel.edu

  2. Under the Access tab, click Request, then click Email Alias.

  3. Verify that the Select action: drop-down displays Reserve.

  4. Under Address to reserve: select an email alias and click Submit.

    Note: If you already have an active email alias you will need to deactivate your old alias before activating a new one.
    Note: The deactivated alias will still exist and work for 2 months

  5. After the web page reloads, click Email Alias again.

  6. Under Select action: click Activate and select the alias you just reserved.

  7. Click Submit to activate your new email alias.

Deactivating an Email Alias

  1. Verify that the Select action: drop-down displays Deactivate.

  2. Under Address to remove: select your email alias and click Submit.

  3. The selected email alias is now deactivated.

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