Mobile Computer Classrooms
Mobile Computer Classrooms
Mobile Computer Classrooms
Mobile computer classrooms are carts containing laptops that is available for checkout for classroom use.
Several other fixed computer classrooms are also available but have scheduled classes during class hours.
Bethel University 3900 Complex - Individual Laptops can be checked out from the Library Checkout desk.
- Reservations can be made using the Bethel Main Campus Equipment Reservation Form
- Equipment is picked up at the BU Library and returned to the Library by the instructor.
Anderson Center - 18 Dell notebooks available for in-class use - computers are not to be removed from the building
- Reservations can be made online using the Anderson Center Equipment Reservation Form
General Use Procedures
- Reserve use of the cart well in advance of your class via the forms linked above.
- Faculty should arrive early to bring the cart to your classroom and do any set up desired.
- At the end of class please have the learners SHUT DOWN the computers and return the computers to the corresponding numbered slot in the cart.
- The cart should be returned as directed
- Library cart must be returned to the Library and checked in.
- For Anderson Center: Please reserve the cart online. The cart resides in the storage closet by the PA rooms. When done, please shut down all computers, return them to the cart, and plug them in. Then return the cart to the PA storage closet. The cart access code is on a key ring at the level 2 front desk. The way the lock works is to align the numbers (this is sometimes easier if you lightly push the lock into the case and then turn the numbers) and then depress the shackle, which will then pop open. To Lock, change the combo numbers, and close the shackle.
- Please report any problems to TLT@bethel.edu or 651-635-8527
, multiple selections available,