Bethel Classroom CC426B

Bethel Classroom CC426B

Bethel Classroom CC426B


Capacity:   20

Design: High Tech Flexible Learning Classroom

Furniture:  10 2-person tables arranged in 5 pods of 4 persons

IInstructor Teaching Station: Windows PC with DVD drive OR user laptop/tablet (HDMI Connector), Document/Web Camera, Extron pushbutton controls, NEC Interactive Projector,

Pod Video Displays: Each pod has a display.  Group participants connect wirelessly to the displays using LiteShow IV technology - Liteshow Interactive Classrooms

Audio: Surround sound  speakers in 5 wall mounted displays

Lighting: Dual Zone, LED lights with dimmers

Background Noise Level: Low

Writespace: Whiteboards on all walls and for all Pods

Windows and Views: Small view window in door into classroom


Liteshow is a collaborative interactive display adapter that allows students with a laptop (or less so with a tablet or smartphone) to display their device wirelessly to the display, with up to 4 students displaying on the same display at the same time (in quadrants), or one student displaying to the entire screen.

NEC Interactive Projector with eBeam allows you to use the interactive digital pen to make the projector whiteboard surface a large iPad essentially for everything from opening apps to annotating over web pages or PowerPoint slides and more.

Extron Room Control System.  This is the "brains" of the system that allows you to:
  • Turn everything on and off with one button.
  • Mute the student screens to bring attention to the "front" of the room.
  • Send the instructor display or any student display to all of the displays.
  • Allow students outside of class to collaborate at any pod by just selecting their pod on the control without activating all the other classroom technology.

Support Documents:  


NEC Interactive Projector Classrooms (with eBeam interactive technology)

Strategies for Teaching and Learning:


Extron Control Panel for CC426B


Press the Center On button. This opens the Use Options page to allow selection of Full Class Mode or Individual Pod Mode.

None of the other option buttons work from
the start up screen shown here.

HC313 does not have VHS capability.
DVDs should be played via PC or
Laptop options. HC313 does play BLU-RAY.


Use Options:

Pods - 1 - 5: For Individual Pod Use
Select any Pod to use that Pod Display without starting the rest of the system.  Press the Pod button again to turn off the individual Pod.  Multiple Pods can be started independently.

Full Class Mode: For Normal Classroom Use
Turns on Projector, Document Camera, and all 5 Displays.

System Off: Turns off the system



Full Class Mode Startup

Press the Full Class Mode option to start up the entire system.

None of the other option buttons work while
the system is starting.  The entire system starts up including:

Document Camera
5 LED Pod Displays

Computer power is independent.

Main Page Options:

LAPTOP - press to display a connected laptop

PC - press to display the connect instructor

DOC CAM - press to display images from the
document camera

POD 1 - 5 - Press to display whatever is displayed
on that Pod number's screen (see below for options) 


Flat Screen Mute - turns off display to all 5 pod displays

Projector Mute - turns off display to front projector

Volume - controls audio volume (along with volume controls on your computer).

Audio Mute - mutes the audio

ITC POD - opens options for presenting to the front projection screen without affecting the flat screens (see below)

Return to Main Page - This button returns you to this Main Page

Power Off



The bottom row of controls remain active:

Flat Screen Mute - turns off display to all 5 pod displays
Projector Mute - turns off display to front projector
Volume - controls audio volume (along with volume controls on your computer).
Audio Mute - mutes the audio
ITC POD - opens options for presenting to the front projection screen without affecting the flat screens (see below)
Return to Main Page - This button returns you to this Main Page
Power Off




The bottom row of controls remain active:

Flat Screen Mute - turns off display to all 5 pod displays
Projector Mute - turns off display to front projector
Volume - controls audio volume (along with volume controls on your computer).
Audio Mute - mutes the audio
ITC POD - opens options for presenting to the front projection screen without affecting the flat screens (see below)
Return to Main Page - This button returns you to this Main Page
Power Off



Document Camera Options

Zoom In and out


Iris - increase brightness and contrast

The bottom row of controls remain active.



Selecting the ITC POD option button (bottom row options) sends the selected display option to the Projector ONLY. The 5 pod displays remain under the control of the individual pods.


POD OPTIONS (POD 1 - 5 Buttons)

ALL: Projects selected Pod to Projector and All Pod Displays

Flat Screens Only: Projects selected Pod to all other Pod Displays

Projector Only: Projects selected Pod to ONLY the front Projector Screen



Powers down the projector, document camera, and all flat panel displays.

The Instructor Teaching Center Computer and cart Flat Panel Display remains active and functional as these have separate power/sleep settings similar to all other classrooms.







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