Bethel Classroom HC113

Bethel Classroom HC113

Bethel Classroom HC113


Capacity: 45

Design: Flexible Learning Classroom with 5, 9 person learning pods, each pod with independent display

Furniture:  Mobile tables 3 person tables and mobile chairs, one table per pod fixed to Lindsey pivot for power and data

Instructor Teaching Station:   Windows PC with DVD drive OR user laptop/tablet (HDMI Connector), Document/Web Camera, NEC Projector, Extron pushbutton controls

Audio: ceiling speakers

Lighting: Multizones with switches by door

Background Noise Level: Low

Writespace: Writewalls on 3 wall surfaces.

Windows and Views: Outdoor light via upper level atrium

Strategies for Teaching and Learning:

Extron Control Panel for HC313


Press the Center On button to start up the
Instructor Teaching Center.

None of the other option buttons work from
the start up screen shown here.

HC113 does not have VHS capability.
DVDs should be played via PC or
Laptop options. 

None of the other option buttons work while
the system is starting. 

Main Page Options:

LAPTOP - press to display a connected laptop

PC - press to display the connect instructor

DOC CAM - press to display images from the
document camera

POD 1 - 5 - Press to display whatever is displayed
on that Pod number's screen (see below for options) 


Flat Screen Mute - turns off display to all 5 pod displays

Projector Mute - turns off display to front projector

Volume - controls audio volume (along with volume controls on your computer).

Audio Mute - mutes the audio

ITC POD - opens options for presenting to the front projection screen without affecting the flat screens (see below)

Return to Main Page - This button returns you to this Main Page

Power Off


LAPTOP and PC Options

The bottom row of controls remain active:

Flat Screen Mute - turns off display to all 5 pod displays
Projector Mute - turns off display to front projector
Volume - controls audio volume (along with volume controls on your computer).
Audio Mute - mutes the audio
ITC POD - opens options for presenting to the front projection screen without affecting the flat screens (see below)
Return to Main Page - This button returns you to this Main Page
Power Off

Document Camera Options

Zoom In and out


Iris - increase brightness and contrast

The bottom row of controls remain active.


ITC POD Options

When the ITC POD option is selected you have the following presentation options available. The 5 pod displays remain under control of the students in each pod with this option.

The bottom row of controls remain active.




POD 1 - 5



You have the following options after selecting a Pod Button (1-5)

All - Displays selected Pod to all other displays including the front projector display.

Flat Screens Only - Displays selected Pod to all other displays excluding the front projector display.

Projector Only - Displays selected Pod to only the front projector display.


Power Off

Powers down the projector, document camera, and all flat panel displays.

The Instructor Teaching Center Computer and cart Flat Panel Display remains active and functional as these have separate power/sleep settings similar to all other classrooms.