Labs, Conference and Tech Enhanced Rooms

Labs, Conference and Tech Enhanced Rooms


Bethel manages many different types of technology in group spaces at Bethel including conference rooms, huddle rooms, collaboration rooms, and guest meeting rooms. Some spaces have a straightforward display, be it a projector or a large sized monitor. Other spaces offer multi-display collaboration, even with potential streaming capabilities.

In order to keep the experience effective in our education environment and knowing that these kinds of "AV" technologies have a relatively long-life span, we've created room designs to promote ease of use and to accommodate technologies that will be available in subsequent years.

A conference room is categorized by seating of more than 8 people, having at least one form of display, and having a table or flexible seating. A huddle room is categorized by a max seating of 8 people, having at least one form of display, and having a table. A huddle room will have a max seating of 4, a display, and flexible seating. A guest meeting room are used for Admissions. This section will give the design, layout, and a summary of the technology in the various types of rooms.

Classrooms have their own space and are regularly evolving to meet our learning environment and different pedagogies. 

Conference and Event Services provides additional information regarding room reservation, event hosing and are the point of contact for larger venue spaces such as:

  • Benson Great Hall
  • The Eastlund Room
  • The Underground
  • The Olson Board Room
  • Lakeside Center Chapel

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