BC 411 (Olson Board Room) Extron control panel

BC 411 (Olson Board Room) Extron control panel

Instructor Teaching Station: 

  • Windows computer with monitor, keyboard, mouse
  • Document/Web Camera via VLC Player and Logitech Control panel

Display: Projector with screen

Display Connection Type: 




Lighting: Multi-zone with automation and touch panel controls at podium

Background Noise Level: Low


Windows and Views: Windows with automatic shades

Traditional Teaching Cart usage PC, Airtame, HDMI

  1. Power On
  2. Select Video (Top Left Corner)

Main Projector

  1. Choose 'Projector Controls' (Top)
  2. Choose either Air Tame, Presentation Room PC, Lectern Laptop (HDMI)
    1. Whichever is selected here will display on the main projector

Side Displays

  1. Choose 'Mobile Cart Controls' (Top)
  2. Choose either Air Tame, Presentation Room PC, Lectern Laptop (HDMI)
  3. Choose which Display you want to present on (Cart Location 1, Cart Location 2)
    1. If you want to display on both TVs, click both cart locations

Host Meeting Using Zoom Rooms

  1. Power On
  2. Select Zoom Rooms Conferencing
  3. Meet Now (Top Right)
  4. Select the green "Meet now" button
  5. Share Meeting ID with Zoom Participants
  6. Delegate which Zoom Display option (Zoom PC - 1, Zoom PC - 2, Zoom PC 3) is assigned to which screen (Projector, Cart Location 1, Cart Location2)
    1. Select the Zoom Display option then select the display location

Invite Zoom Room BC 411 to Conference Hosted On Different Computer

  1. Start Zoom Meeting
  2. Click 'Invite'
  3. Select the Room Rooms tab
  4. Select BC 411 Olson Boardroom
  5. Select Invite
    1. A call will be sent to the BC 411 podium once the invite is accepted the room will join the meeting
  6. Delegate which Zoom Display option (Zoom PC - 1, Zoom PC - 2, Zoom PC 3) is assigned to which screen (Projector, Cart Location 1, Cart Location2)
    1. Select the Zoom Display option then select the display location