Installing Microsoft Office 365 for Free

Installing Microsoft Office 365 for Free

Microsoft Office 365 is now provided to students free of charge. Staff and Faculty are not included in this benefit.

Here’s how to get the Office Suite installed on your Mac or PC:

  1. Navigate to office.com and click “Sign In”

  2. Enter your primary Bethel email. If you setup an alias, that would be your primary email.

  3. The background will shift to a Bethel logo. Enter your Bethel password.

  4. If it asks for more information, click "Next"

  5. If prompted, setup an authentication email or phone.

  6. If prompted, choose “Work or School account”

  7. Choose whether or not you want to stay signed in.

  8. Once signed in, choose “Install Office” in the upper right and select “Office 365 apps”.

  9. Once the download completes, run the installer.

  10. Once the installer completes, sign into the applications with your Bethel account to activate them. This step may be unnecessary as Microsoft typically automatically logs you in.