Changing Your Password: Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal and Polycom Voicemail

Changing Your Password: Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal and Polycom Voicemail

This Confluence article covers how to change your password for the Evolve IP Personal Portal and how to remotely change the voicemail password for your Bethel phone number. Other Evolve IP portal-related knowledge base articles are located within the Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal section of Confluence.

To jump to a specific header in this article:

  1. Logging In and Accessing the Password Change Settings

  2. Changing your Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal password

  3. Changing your Polycom desk phone voicemail password remotely in the web portal

Logging In and Accessing the Password Change Settings

  1. Follow the steps outlined in the article for Logging Into the Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal. When those steps have been completed, continue to step 2 in this article.

  2. To access the password change options, click the Account tab on the top row (highlighted in red in the photo below).

Personal Portal Main Screen.png

Changing your Evolve IP OSSmosis Personal Portal password

Note: If your phone number has a Webex license, updating this password will also change the login password into the Webex application for the corresponding phone number.

  1. Enter a new password in the input box to the right of NEW Web/Toolbar Password (highlighted in red in the photo below). Note the password restrictions in italicized font to the right of the input box.

  2. Enter the same password in the input box to the right of Type New Web/Toolbar Password again to confirm.

  3. Click Save Changes on the left column.

Evolve Portal Account.png

Changing your Polycom desk phone voicemail password remotely in the web portal

Note: Updating this password will change the voicemail login password when attempting to listen to voice messages on your Bethel Polycom desk phone.

  1. Enter a new numeric password in the input box to the right of NEW Voice Portal Password (highlighted in red in the photo below). Note the password restrictions in italicized font to the right of the input box.

  2. Enter the same numeric password in the input box to the right of Type New Voice Portal Password again to confirm.

  3. Click Save Changes on the left column.


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