Course Visibility

Course Visibility

How to "Show" your Moodle course

All Moodle courses are created by default in a "hidden" state.  Hidden courses are indicated by gray text. Courses that are "hidden" cannot be seen or accessed by students, but can be seen and accessed by Instructors and Teaching Assistants. 

  1. To make a course "visible". so that it can be accessed by students, enter the course site in Moodle, click on Settings in the course banner, and set the Availability setting to Show .

  2. Click on Save and Display at the bottom of the settings screen. Visible courses appear in your Moodle My courses list in blue text.

Previous Courses Visibility Settings

Faculty have the option to "hide" your previous term courses after a course is completed.  Some programs recommend that courses be available to learners until completion of the program or degree.  If you have questions about the practice or policy in your program or department, please consult with your Department Chair or Program Director. 

  1. To make a course "hidden", enter the course site in Moodle, click on Settings in the course banner, and set the Availability setting to Hide .

  2. Click on Save and Display at the bottom of the settings screen. Visible courses appear in your Moodle My courses list in blue text.

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