How to Add Quiz Accommodations

How to Add Quiz Accommodations


Moodle easily allows a faculty member to extend the time or modify the start or stop dates for either individual students or groups.  This tutorial assumes that you have set the open and close dates AND/OR time limit for a quiz in Moodle.

  1. Log into Moodle and enter your course
  2. Click on the link to your quiz/test. 
  3. Click on More and select Overrides.
  4. Click on the Add User override button.  
  5. Click on the Search box (or type name) and select the student that needs either more time or different dates for the quiz.
  6. Change the Require Password, Open the quiz, Close the Quiz, Time limit, OR Attempts allowed as appropriate. For example if a student did very poorly and you allow a retake, you might want to increase the attempts allowed instead of clearing their first attempt so that the record of both attempts remain in Moodle or so that you can average the two attempts using the Moodle grades features.
  7. Click Save.
  8. A confirmation page is shown with all your overrides. Check to be certain that all is like you wish.