Employee Resources

Employee Resources

  • Chrome River Approval Training Video
    • Review and approval of Chrome River reports both need to be completed within the Chrome River. This video provides the steps a supervisor can take to review the report data for accurate budgets, policy alignment, and receipt documentation.

  • Chrome River Expense Report Creation Training Video
    • Expense reimbursement or Out of Pocket expenses should be reported for reimbursement through the Chrome River system. This video provides the steps an employee can take to create, review, and submit their report for reimbursement.

  • Chrome River Credit Card Report Creation Training Video
    • Corportate credit card expense reports should be created and submitted through the Chrome River system. This video provides the steps an employee can take to create, review, and submit their corporate credit card reports.

  • Chrome River Desk Guide
    • The Chrome River Desk Guide contains step by step instructions also covered in the Chrome River training videos along with additional helpful hints and administrative information.

  • All expenses incurred (corporate credit card or out of pocket) must adhere to the Expense Policies established by Bethel University. Employees can review policy associated with spending and the responsibility of possessing a corporate credit card on the Business Office Confluence page.


Questions regarding the Chrome River system or requests for additional training needs once the above resources have been reviewed can be directed to the following:

By phone: 651-638-6208

By email: accounts-payable@bethel.edu

This policy and procedure data supersedes and replaces in its entirety any prior policy. Bethel University and Bethel University Foundation reserve the right to modify or amend this information at any time.

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