Advisory Committee on Diversity

Advisory Committee on Diversity

Formerly: Diversity Leadership Committee (DLC)

Organized in collaboration with: Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Membership: The Advisory Committee on Diversity (ACD) shall consist of 5-7 members representing their expertise in biblical knowledge, educational programming, and diversity. These members shall be appointed by the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and approved by the President.

Term: Each member of the ACD will serve for two (2) years and can be extended for a second two-year term, if requested by the chair of the ACD.

Description: Bethel University, a Christian Evangelical Liberal Arts University with three schools, College of Arts & Sciences, College of Adult & Professional Studies and Graduate School, and Seminary, is committed to diversity across the lines of race, ethnicity, culture, gender, socio-economic status, class, ability, age and geography. The university’s approach to diversity begins from a biblical perspective and acknowledges that God created a diverse world and all humankind in His own image. We are called to God’s work of Shalom, which is commonly translated as peace … where all things exist in harmony under God’s loving leadership. Shalom includes enjoyment of all relationships between God, self, others, and the whole earth. Shalom means blessing, peace, justice, love, well-being in all relationships.

The ACD identifies as its purpose to create a diversity approach for Bethel University that promotes Shalom.

Duties: ACD is established to assist the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to envisage diversity goals, work with the University toward goal attainment, and increase intercultural activity as the University pursues its goal toward diversity. The Diversity Committee works within the ambit of the University’s Diversity Master Plan and its appropriate deployment throughout all sections of the University. The Advisory Committee on Diversity shall:

  1. Advise the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in promoting and supporting cultural activities that enhance the presence and involvement of the University's diverse faculty, staff, and students.
  2. Champion the work of diversity among faculty, staff, students and alumni
  3. Consider and recommend actions that will help support and fulfill diversity-related commitments made by the University under the Bethel University Strategic Plan and other University programs, plans, and policies.
  4. Consider and advise on the formulation of relevant diversity and community training, outreach and reputation of the university externally
  5. Serve as the selection committee that awards the annual George K. Brushaber Reconciliation Award

Meetings: The ACD is convened by the Office of Diversity and Intercultural Engagement and will meet monthly or as needed.

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