University Student Learning Committee

University Student Learning Committee

Organized in collaboration with: Provost


  1. Eight faculty members, 2 each from CAS, CAPS, GS, Seminar
  2. Two CAS representatives from co-curricular areas, 1 each from campus ministry, student life
  3. Dean or Associate Dean CAPS/GS
  4. Associate Dean of Institutional Assessment & Accreditation
  5. One student from each academic unit (optional)

Officers: Co-chairpersons will be Dean or Associate Dean for CAPS and Associate Dean of Institutional Assessment & Accreditation

Description: The USLC is a University committee with an emphasis on examining, evaluating, and strengthening the assessment of student learning across the entire university. This includes finding best assessment practices in CAS, CAPS/GS, and the Seminary and sharing these with the entire institution. This committee also focuses on assessing how well Bethel is fulfilling its core values.


  1. To assess Bethel's core values and make recommendations on how to improve Bethel's fulfillment of the core values.
  2. To facilitate conversation and collaboration among faculty and academic administrators in all units of the university in order to encourage ongoing assessment and the sharing of information.
  3. To uncover best assessment practices at Bethel (and nationwide) and to share these practices with the institution.
  4. To initiate and implement assessment processes that produce data useful for all units at BU.
  5. To find ways to strengthen the assessment of student learning across the institution.

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