Types of Appointments

Types of Appointments


A benefits eligible employee is either full-time or part-time, but meets the benefits eligibility threshold of 1,560 hours per year.

Full-time Staff Employee

A full-time staff employee is an individual who is appointed to an authorized position and is scheduled to work 40 hours per week and 12 months per year.

Full-time Faculty Employee

A full-time faculty employee is an individual who is appointed to an authorized position and is scheduled to work on a regular basis for a minimum of 17.00 Teaching Equivalence Units (TEUs) per academic year. A full course load is defined as 23.50 – 23.80 TEUs. Employees in this group hold an academic rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor and teach courses and/or carry out other assigned responsibilities on the basis of a contract. Full time faculty employees are considered exempt employees and are subject to all policies that pertain to other exempt employees unless specified for faculty in the faculty handbook.

Part-time Staff Employee

A part-time staff employee is an individual who is appointed to an authorized position and is scheduled to work a normal work week less than 40 hours per week and/or less than 12 months per year.

Adjunct Faculty Employee

A faculty employee contracted on a per-course basis is designated as either an Adjunct Instructor/Adjunct Faculty. Individuals with this appointment are eligible for benefits if they reach 17.00 TEUs for an academic year.

Temporary Employee

Temporary employees are individuals who hold limited appointments to nonexempt positions. Temporary employees may work up to 40 hours per week on specific, short-term, non-continuing appointments, normally not to exceed one year.

Project Employee

Project employees are individuals who hold non-continuing appointments to exempt positions, normally not to exceed one year. An example of this might include an ‘Interim’ position.

Common use of ‘Employee’

In general announcements directed to all professional (not student) employees, the word employee will be used for brevity’s sake and refer to all full time staff, part time staff, full time faculty, adjunct faculty, administrators, and executive officers.

Office of People and Culture

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