Exceptional Promotions

Exceptional Promotions

Exceptions to the standards for promotion may be made only in those rare instances where it appears that a teacher’s work is so outstanding that it merits promotion to a rank for which the teacher will never be able to complete the normal requirements due to circumstances peculiar to that situation. In such unusual instances, guidelines for recommending an exceptional promotion shall include:

  1. a record of comparable academic experience to that required for the rank even though the appropriate degree has not been earned;
  2. evidence of professional competence in the discipline through objective data comparable to the normal requirements for the degree involved, such as the publication of scholarly books, the reading of papers at meetings of professional societies, the exhibition of art in showings appropriate to evaluation by one’s peers or the publication of scholarly articles in professional journals;
  3. evidence of outstanding effectiveness as a teacher as confirmed by written evaluation from colleagues and students;
  4. length of professional teaching experience at least as long as minimum required for the rank;
  5. evidence of significant contribution to the achievement of the total objectives of the school as well as those of the discipline involved;
  6. prior approval of the recommendation to the Board of Trustees for exceptional promotion by the colleagues and the chairperson of the department or division, the faculty committees concerned with promotion, and the appropriate academic administrators.

Office of the Provost