Bethel University welcomes political candidates to campus for the purpose of campaigning. In accordance with Fair Campaign Practices (MN Statutes, Section 211B.20), Bethel permits candidates access to campus buildings and campus residences under the following conditions:
Regarding political candidate visits:
1. A candidate must seek admittance solely for the purpose of campaigning.
2. Proper identification of the candidate is required.
3. An appointment is made in advance with the appropriate Bethel office to gain access to the facility (Residence Life for college residences, Office of Student Life for main campus buildings).
4. Campaign workers (up to four in number) must be accompanied by the candidate.
5. The public areas of the campus are available to candidates and their campaign workers from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m.
6. A candidate may reserve a table in the Brushaber Commons on which to display campaign materials. Policies and procedures detailing the reservation of a promotional table in the Brushaber Commons can be found at:
7. Residence halls and apartments may be accessed after noon and before 9 p.m.
8. Candidates and campaign workers may go to individual rooms in university residences only during visitation hours, but are welcome in lounges and other public areas in each building during open hours and with prior approval. In apartment settings, including Heritage Hall and the townhouses, individual units may be accessed during open visitation hours.
9. Bethel reserves the right to ask candidates and/or campaign workers to leave campus for good cause.
Regarding political events:
1. Political rallies, forums, or events must be sponsored by official BSG student organizations or clubs.
2. For political events, final approval will be made by the dean of student life (651.638.6300).
Additionally, Bethel University requires a minimum seven days notice for all campaign related requests. All requests may be made to the dean of student life at 651.638.6300.
Campaign posters, lawn signs, and similar materials generally may not be posted on university property; however, notices announcing political events and signage displayed by students in their residences are allowed in accordance with Bethel’s advertising guidelines, which can be found at: