Skyway Advertising

Skyway Advertising

Skyway Advertising

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Skyway Advertising

Who is eligible to make reservations?

Bethel students, offices, and departments advertising for a Bethel-sponsored, student-related event are eligible to reserve this space. Print the Skyway Advertising Request Form (pdf). Complete the form and turn it in to the Administrative Assistant for Student Life (student-life@bethel.edu; 651.638.6303). The Office of Student Life is limited to approving four events per semester.

Where are these reservable spaces?

The east skyway (between HC and CC buildings) and west skyway (windows on 3rd floor directly between AC and CC buildings). You may use one skyway location per event.  

How long can my reservation be?

You can advertise in a skyway starting one week before your event begins and ending 24 hours after your event ends. Your skyway display must be completely removed within 24 hours of the end of your event. If you are unable to do so, Facilities Management will clean the windows and bill your account for the labor.

Who needs to approve my reservation before I can get started?

Your reservation and artwork preview must be approved by (1) the BSG Executive Director of Communications and Marketing, (2) the Manager of Building Services or designated signer in Facilities Management and (3) the Administrative Assistant for Student Life.

If my reservation is approved, what is the process from there?

Begin planning for your display. Please use only window paints, window markers, glass paints, or tempera paint diluted with dish soap. Other paints are not allowed because they are very difficult to clean and sometimes stain the windows.

I have more questions; who do I talk to?

Please refer further questions to the Administrative Assistant for Student Life (student-life@bethel.edu; 651.638.6902).

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