Lost and Found
Former user (Deleted)
Former user (Deleted)
Former user (Deleted)
Lost and found is located in the Safety and Security Office (HC103). Limited lost and found catches are also kept in the SRC, WLC, and Anderson Center front desk. Found items should be turned into the Office of Safety and Security immediately to save owners the cost of replacement or cancellation—especially high value items.
If you have lost a high value item on Bethel University property you may check with the Safety and Security office located in Hagestrom Center 103. Safety and Security will securely store these priority items. A list of high value items include:
**Purses/wallets/Identification and bank cards.
Cellphones and laptops
Prescription medication
Prescription glasses
Canes and walkers
We will not store an item we deem as low value. We will NOT except lost water bottles.
Found property will be held as follows:
- Property of no obvious monetary or sentimental value will not be excepted
- Property of an estimated value up to $100, with no obvious sentimental value, will be held for 30 days.
- Items of an estimated value of over $100, or with obvious sentimental value, will be kept for 90 days.
- If no owner can be located, or if the property is not claimed by the owner after the time period listed above, the found property will be either donated to a charitable organization, or given the campus bookstore at Safety and Security discretion.
Bethel University is not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen property.
** If you are retrieving a lost ID, you must have another form of valid ID to confirm your date of birth and address.