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Computer Crimes

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Bethel provides high-quality computer hardware and software that enable students to write papers, use educational software, and pursue academic research around the world via the internet. Because this equipment is expensive to operate, use by students who are not currently enrolled is against our policies.

Sharing computer passwords with other people or using another person’s password with or without that person’s consent constitutes a crime against property. The computer account (and accompanying password available to each Bethel student) is for that person’s use only. It should not be shared with another individual—including friends, relatives, parents, or roommates—under any circumstances.

It is a crime against property to damage computer equipment, software, or the data contained in the system, and to gain access to another person’s home directory or data files without his or her consent.

Making unauthorized copies of copyrighted software or MP3 music or movie files is not only a crime against property, it is also a federal offense punishable by fines up to $50,000 and incarceration up to five years.

Using computer equipment to view or traffic pornography or any other information or images that are demeaning, damaging, or bring harm to others is a violation of Bethel’s ethics standards (and in many cases, federal laws).

Students are responsible for adhering to Bethel’s Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources Policy; it is available at: