Disciplinary Policy and Procedures

Disciplinary Policy and Procedures

When a student’s behavior is not aligned with the Student Standards of Conduct and/or the Covenant for Life Together, the procedures outlined below will be followed to address the behavior and restore the student’s behavioral good standing with Bethel University. The procedures may be accelerated at the discretion of the Student Life staff.

A. Confrontation, Referral, and Hearing Procedure
A personal confrontation and hearing meeting regarding the student's behavior will occur with an appropriate Student Life staff member. An incident report will be completed and reviewed by a Student Conduct and Care committee, which will recommend actions appropriate to the behavior and intended to be redemptive and educational. A Student Life staff member will be appointed to work with the student throughout the completion of assigned actions. Documentation, including the Student Life Incident Report and follow-up meetings, will be retained for an appropriate time period in BEACON, an online management system.

B. Disciplinary Actions

Disciplinary actions are determined by a Student Conduct and Care committee, comprised of Student Life Deans and Resident Directors, and representatives of Christian Formation, Athletics, OARS, Inclusive Excellence, BUILD, and Counseling Services.

Students will receive both inactive and active responses when engaged in the conduct process. Any sanctions given by the university are meant to acknowledge behavior but also offer students the opportunity for education and reconciliation to the community.

Inactive responses represent a student status change with the university and may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Written Warning or Behavioral Agreement

    • A student will receive a written warning, outlining the nature of the violation and a formal warning that indicates if the behavior continues, there will be additional disciplinary steps.  Behavioral agreements are written agreements that outline desired changes in student behavior and ask for agreement from the student to abide by specific guidelines moving forward. These letters will be kept in the student’s electronic Student life record. Disciplinary issues at this level may include but are not limited to: multiple visitation hours violations, pranks, community disturbances, property damage, etc. 

  • Behavioral Probation Level 1 or Level 2

    • The student is permitted to remain on campus and continue in classes and academic activities with particular conditions that will include completing various meetings and activities. Special housing approvals, participation in varsity sports, study abroad, and other co-curricular privileges may be affected. Students may be asked to notify their parents and/or listed emergency contacts depending on the situation. 

    • A copy of this letter will be kept in the student’s electronic Student life record. Disciplinary issues at this level may include but are not limited to Alcohol and drug violations, repeated offenses of other conduct issues with no improvement or change. 

  • Zero Tolerance

    • The student is permitted to continue in classes but will be suspended from university housing for a specific time period. Students will be asked to notify their parents, coaches (if appropriate) and/or other adults important in their lives. Students may be asked to engage in outside assessment or screening. 

    • The student is reminded that they may be suspended or expelled from Bethel if they continue to engage in behavior contrary to expectations listed in the Student handbook. Disciplinary issues at this level may include but are not limited to: providing alcohol or drugs to minors, multiple alcohol or drug violations, selling drugs, hosting parties, continued behavior inconsistent with Bethel’s standards without attempts to change. 

  • Suspension

    • The student is involuntarily withdrawn from Bethel for a specified length of time, ranging from the remainder of a current semester up to two years. At the time of suspension, the student will be given written documentation of requirements and guidelines that must be satisfied prior to returning to campus. The student may be permitted to reapply to Bethel after a specified period of time and after completing any requirements given at the time of suspension.

  • Expulsion

    • The student is permanently separated from the University. A permanent record of expulsion is noted on the student’s academic transcript.

Active responses are meant to provide students with opportunities for learning and engagement and are decided with the student’s best interest in mind in hopes of creating positive change for the student. These include but are not limited to: 

  • Educational follow-up meetings

    • A student may be expected to meet with a Student Life staff member for a specified number of times for the purpose of accountability, discussion regarding the Covenant for Life Together, and reflection on learning gained through completing other disciplinary actions.

  • Mentoring

    • A student may be expected to identify a mature, adult mentor on campus and meet with that individual for a specified number of times for the purpose of personal and spiritual growth, goal setting, accountability, etc. 

  • Educational activities

    • A student may be expected to complete activities such as participating in an online educational program, conduct research relevant to the disciplinary situation, write a reflection paper, attend an educational program on campus, meet with professional staff in an office providing services such as career development, counseling, disability resources, etc.

  • Community Service

    • A student may be expected to perform community service hours on or off-campus as part of the disciplinary outcome.

  • Additional Disciplinary Responses

    • In addition to the responses delineated above, staff members in the Office of Student Life may use other disciplinary actions when deemed necessary and appropriate. 

    • These may include, but are not limited to, fines, removal from campus housing, no trespassing orders, loss of privileges, parent/guardian notification, notification of faculty or coaches (or other staff members when appropriate), a chemical dependency assessment, restitution of personal or institutional damages, reconciliation to individuals or offended groups, and follow-up sessions with a student life staff person, faculty member, or other individual agreed upon by the student and the Office of Student Life.

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