Former user (Deleted)
chl54442 (Deactivated)
Former user (Deleted)
No soliciting is permitted in any residence and students are not allowed to operate a business (such as babysitting/childcare, multi-level marketing, etc.), sell any kind of merchandise, solicit subscriptions, or engage in any kind of commercial activity anywhere on the university campus without the written permission of the associate dean for residence life. Permission will not be given to businesses that 1) compete with campus vendors; 2) use the university computer network, servers, computers, bandwidth, etc.; 3) take up large amounts of university facility space; or 4) use university resources. If you see someone soliciting products, please ask them if they have received permission. Solicitation includes selling or distributing free materials door-to-door, and group parties.
Related Policies and Procedures:
Policy Contact:
Office of Student LifeĀ