Bethel University seeks to maintain a work and educational environment that is safe for our employees and students and conducive to high work standards that support an efficient and effective workforce. To that end, and in accordance with appropriate federal legislation, Bethel prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, sale, or use of illegal drugs, illicit and non-medicinal drugs, designer and synthetic drugs, prohibited drugs, and drug-related paraphernalia; alcohol is prohibited on Bethel property and at Bethel sponsored events off campus. This policy applies to Bethel property, and/or while attending a business activity, while on duty, or while operating a vehicle or machine leased or owned by Bethel. Each employee shall be responsible for notifying the Office of People and Culture of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation at Bethel University no later than five days after such conviction.
The standards of conduct at Bethel University clearly prohibit the use, possession and/or distribution of illicit or non-medicinal drugs and alcohol by students and employees on Bethel property and at Bethel sponsored events off campus.