This policy is a statement describing how Bethel Information Technology Services (ITS) provides network access in university residences for computers and devices.
The primary method of connecting computers and other devices to Bethel’s network is Wi-Fi. Depending on the credentialing capabilities of the device, the primary network that can be connected to is titled Bethel. If a device is unable to connect to the Bethel network, the secondary network that can be connected to is Bethel-Guest.
- Note: Currently, due to the summer 2023 network upgrade, registering devices via their MAC address to the Bethel-Guest network is not working. Bethel ITS is working through final bugs in the setup before making it active again. An e-announcement will be made when it is ready for use (updated 8/21/24).If a device is unable to connect to either the Bethel or Bethel-Guest network, please attempt to register the device's wireless MAC address using the Device Registration Portal.
If computers or other devices are unable to connect to the Bethel networks using Wi-Fi, Bethel ITS will activate up to one port per person in a Bethel residence room, or suite, subject to the availability of network resources, upon filling out the Port Activation Request form. Because of limited availability on network switches, there are no current exceptions to the one-port policy.
- If a user already has one active port, they may place a request to have that port turned off and their one port switched to a different port in a Bethel residence room/suite.
- Because each user gets one active port, if a roommate or other user needs their port activated, the other user will need to be the person to fill out a Port Activation Request for the port they want activated.
- Ethernet ports may not be used to connect unapproved Wi-Fi broadcasting devices such as routers, modems, extenders, gateways, etc. A device qualifies as such if it is broadcasting a local wireless network.
- If a connected Wi-Fi broadcasting device is suspected, the port will be to deactivated until a full review can be conducted.
- For technology help or to report a problem, visit our portal on the Bethel Service Center website. You may also contact our ITS Help Desk by email at or by calling us at 651-638-6500. Service outages can be reported by phone 24/7 and the appropriate staff will be made available to respond.