What's New (Moodle 4.0)

In Moodle 4.0, there are significant visual and navigational differences. 

Here is a video briefly going over the major changes.

Top Menu Options


The Home page lets you search for any course in Moodle. You can only access the course if you are enrolled in the course.


The Dashboard is useful for students as it lets them see what activities have upcoming due dates. 

My Courses

My Courses has the Course Overview block that lets you filter courses by a variety of settings. Starred is a great option to only see specific courses. To star courses, click on the three dots on the right of the course and choose the star option.

Changes within a Course

Course Index

The Course Index is a collapsible menu on the left that is useful for quick navigation and moving activities when editing is turned on.

Blocks Drawer

The Blocks Drawer is a collapsible menu on the right that houses all of the course blocks.

Edit Mode

To turn editing on, there is a Edit mode toggle in the upper right corner.

Course Options

The gear icon in the top right has been removed. Now all options that existed within the gear icon menu has been relocated to tabs across the top of the course. 


To access the groups menu, open the Participants menu and choose Groups or Groupings in the drop down menu on the left side.

Gradebook Setup

To access the Gradebook Setup, open the Grades menu and choose Gradebook Setup in the drop down menu on the left side. User Report and Single View are also in these options.


The Import button has changed to a Reuse option under More. Reuse combined several options, but Import is the default option.