VideoANT - Application

VideoANT - Application

Link: ant.umn.edu

VideoAnt Exemplar Assignment Steps

  1. Instructor creates Moodle assignment that will accept "Online Text" submissions
  2. Student uploads video to YouTube, sets video privacy to "unlisted"
  3. Student provides link to video to instructor in the Moodle assignment
  4. Instructor creates one VideoAnt for each submitted video
    1. For instructor-only annotations, instructor sets "Public" setting to "View"
    2. For student annotations, instructor sets "Public" setting to "Annotate" and shares link with the appropriate students
  5. Instructor and/or students annotate videos
  6. Instructor exports all annotations as text, inserts all annotations and assessment feedback in the Moodle assignment where the student video was originally shared

Additional Help

  1. Instructors and students must have a VideoAnt account before they will be able to create or annotate in Ants (https://ant.umn.edu/, "Sign In With Google" and OK all prompts).
  2. For additional technical help, visit https://ant.umn.edu/help