Narrated Presentations: Template for Assignment Instructions

Narrated Presentations: Template for Assignment Instructions

Narrated Presentations: Template for Assignment Instructions

Use these instructions as a template for your assignment to explain the process of creating, publishing, and adding a narrated presentation to a Moodle assignment or Forum.

To create, upload, and post your video to Moodle (see Digital Video Creation for all steps):

  • Create your narrated presentation (How you do this depends on your available resources and computer. Windows users can use PowerPoint (2010 or higher) while Mac users can use Keynote.  
  • Convert your narrated presentation to a movie.
  • Add your Presentation Video to YouTube (Log into YouTube using Bethel account and upload your video to YouTube using the "unlisted" setting) (note: You may need to go to https://youtube.com/verify for your first time to be allowed to upload a video longer than 15 minutes.)
  • Place the link to your Youtube video in Moodle (Forum or Assignment)

Simple Video Assignment Submission Instructions:

Steps for submitting your video:

  • Log into YouTube using your Bethel account (https://youtube.com)
  • Upload your video to YouTube using the "unlisted" setting
  • Submit the link to your YouTube video in this assignment by pasting the YouTube "Share" video link in the Online text box.  Highlight (select) the link (or name) text, click on the Link tool, and paste the link into the URL field and click make link.

Sample Moodle Assignment

Final Presentation (outcomes 1, 5, 6)

Create a five-minute presentation and post it as a movie to the forum for your cohort colleagues to view. (For help with the technical side of producing and posting a narrated presentation as a movie, see the directions below.) Your presentation should share a key idea, major learning, or key self-reflection with your colleagues in class. Draw from the course materials (as you did in your final paper), and explain how your leadership insight might be of benefit to others. This should be a high-quality, professional presentation, making good use of the technical resources available to you. Since this is an online course, it is essential that you learn to present your ideas to dispersed audiences.

To create, upload, and post your video to Moodle (see Digital Video Creation):

  • Create a PowerPoint narrated Presentation or an edited video, as desired.
  • Convert your presentation to a video format
  • Log into YouTube using your Bethel account (youtube.com)
  • Upload your video to YouTube using the "unlisted" setting (note: You may need to go to https://youtube.com/verify for your first time to be allowed to upload a video longer than 15 minutes.)
  • Turn your video in to the forum in Moodle by pasting the video link in the text box with a sentence or two describing your presentation.  Highlight (select) the link (or name) text, click on the Link tool, and paste the link into the URL field and click make link.

Please note: Be careful when using PowerPoint if you are working with a Mac. ONLY PowerPoint 2019 for Mac has the ability to convert to a video format, so if you have an older version you’ll need to use Keynote if you intend to create a narrated slide presentation.

Once you have posted your presentation, watch your cohort members’ presentations. Comment on at least two others, discussing what they did well and how their work could have been adjusted to better meet the succeed and surpass assignment requirements

 (Instructors: These same instructions apply for turning videos in to a Moodle Assignment. Just make sure you set up the assignment to use the "Online Text" submission type, and realize that students will not be able to see one another's submissions. Some instructors have students submit the same video to both places.)

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