Grader Report Overview

Grader Report Overview

Grader Report Overview


This is a brief overview of the basic functionality and use of the Moodle Grader Report (main Grades page of Moodle).

  1. Access the Moodle Gradebook
    1. Click on Grades in the menu across the top of the course.
  2. Moving Around in the Grader Report:
    There are two scroll bars for the Grader Report.  
    1. Vertical scroll - up and down your list of students
    2. Horizontal page scroll - scrolls the grade columns, leaving the student names fixed on the left.
  3. Access Student Profile: Click on any student name takes you to the student's profile.

  4. Access User Report: Click on "Grader report" in the drop down menu and select "User report." In the User report, you can sort by students to see the grade book exactly how the student sees it.

  5. Access Single View: Click on the "Grader report" in the drop down menu and select "Single view". In the Single view, you can sort by students or activities. Sorting by activities can be an easy way to enter grades for a grade item.

  6. Sort Grader Report: Most columns in the grade book can be sorted by clicking on the column header or the sort arrows next to the grade items. 

  7. Access Single View from a grader report column header: Clicking on the "Single view" icon (pencil) to the right of any grader report column header takes you to the Single view grade entry page for that assignment.

  8. Grader Report view Options:

    There are three states for each column
    1. Aggregates only - Collapsed (Shows just Category or Course Totals):   Click the minus icon to change to Aggregates only

    2. Grades only - Shows item columns but not category or course totals):   Click the plus icon to change to Grades only.

    3. Full View - Expanded (Shows grade columns, Category and Course Totals):   Click the box icon to change to Full view.

  1. Entering Grades in the Grader Report:
    Enter Grades by one of three methods
    1. With Edit mode off in Grader Report - click on a cell or comment to enter.  Click on another cell or comment to save.

    2. With Edit mode on in Grader Report - click on a grade cell or comment, repeat for other cells.  When done click Save changes.

    3. With Edit mode on in Grader Report - click on edit grade in the upper right of any grade cell.   Enter grade and/or comment and Save changes.

  2. Precautions: Change grades for anything but Grade items in the Grader Report will result in the Assignment or Forum grading feature to be overridden, restricting future grade editing for that learner for that item to the gradebook. This is shown by the beige or tan coloring that fills the cell. Once a grade has been become overridden, grading will not be possible in the Assignment or Forum grading methods. To remove the grade override, navigate to Single View and uncheck the "overridden" checkbox. 

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