Moodle - Activity - Wiki

Moodle - Activity - Wiki


 A wiki is a collaborative tool that allows an individual, group, or entire class to build a document or entire web site together. A good example of such a tool is WikiPedia which has become a knowledge encyclopedia for world information. The Moodle 2 wiki is far more easy to use and powerful than the wiki in Moodle 1.9 with students able to embed images, links, and media to build collaborative works. Consider using wikis for online collaborative assignments ranging from peer reviewing of papers to group reports, to even a new Wikipedia like page based upon your course or a single assignment learning outcomes.

Video Tutorial

Video Title: Moodle Wiki - Instructor

Step by Step Tutorial

Step 1: Creating a Wiki

Add an activity and select Wiki

  • Add a Wiki name: Example – Group Research Paper 2 Wiki
  • Add a Wiki description: Add instructions on what you would like the students to do in the assignment and how they should use the wiki. Example – Collaboratively write your group paper. Use font colors to distinguish the work of each group member. You can embed pictures, links, and other media into your paper. Click the Edit tab below to get started.
  • Wiki Settings:

    • First Page Name (required) – you can use the same name as the wiki name or other
    • Wiki mode – Select Collaborative (everyone can edit) or Individual (a wiki page for each learner)
    • Default format – to keep uniformity with the rest of Moodle we recommend HTML and check the Force format checkbox.
  • Common Module Settings: As is true for all of Moodle you can make this a group or groupings activity (optional)
    • There are two wiki types (modes), collaborative and individual. In addition, like any activity, the wiki has the Moodle group modes: “No Groups”, “Separate Groups” and “Visible Groups”.
      • Collaborative
        No Groups: There is only one wiki. The teacher and all students can view and edit this wiki.

        Separate Groups: There is one wiki per group. Students can view and edit the wiki of their own group only.
        Visible Groups: There is one wiki per group. Students can change the wiki of their own group only. They can view the wikis for all groups.

      • Individual
        No Groups: Every student has their own wiki which only they and their teacher can view and edit.
        Separate Groups: Every student has their own wiki, which only they and their teacher can edit. Students can view the wikis of other students in their group.
        Visible Groups: Every student has their own wiki, which only they and their teacher can edit. Students can view the wikis of all other students in the course.

  • Restrict Access: Set the availability and completion requirements (optional)
  • Activity Completion: Set the Completion tracking and due date if you wish (optional)
  • Click Save and display (or Save and return to course)
Step 2: Preparing the Wiki for student use

You do not need to do anything else to allow your students to work in their new wiki. Just click on the new Wiki assignment link in your course.

However, some pre-design may help your students. For example in a collaborative wiki I prefer to add an “index table” to the home page of the wiki and then add all the group pages or class member names as listed in the gradebook so that the site remains organized for students and for later grading.

  • The first step is to click on the Edit tab once you enter the wiki. Only one person can edit a wiki page at the same time.
  • (optional) Add an index table by using the table tool To create pages for each group just place their group name in double brackets [[Group name]]. Upon saving this creates a linked page for the group. Note in this collaborative wiki (no groups or groupings set) any student can edit any place. The advantage is that students as a class are building something as opposed to using groups where they may not see each other’s work and you can not create a summary index page for the wiki if you use groups/groupings.


The above design results in the following wiki page with a link to pages for each of groups 1- 4. You could just as easily done the same with the left column being a list of course members in the order the students are listed in the gradebook. When they build their page, the link turns blue so that you know the participants are working on their assignment.

Step 3: Interacting with the Wiki – Other Wiki Tabs

Comments Tab – allows users to add and view comments about the wiki.

History Tab – allows wiki users to view changes in the wiki, compare versions of the wiki, and restore to previous versions if needed. The user making the changes is shown along with the changes made.

Map Tab allows users to view the structure of the wiki

Files Tab allows users to view attached files associated with the wiki

Administration Tab is available only to teacher and TA roles to use for managing the wiki and deleting specific wiki pages (click List all) or versions of pages.

Step 4: Grading a wiki

Grading a wiki requires that you add an item to the gradebook as there is not any integrated grading for wikis in Moodle.


Brief Video Overview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfkunrqQVS8

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