- The library will have signage in place to direct foot traffic.
- Patrons in the library will be expected to follow social distancing and face covering guidelines.
- The number of patrons in the library will be monitored, with a specific maximum capacity permitted (and posted) at one time.
- Students may come to the library and browse and pull from the shelves items they are interested in checking out. When they are ready to check out, they will bring the items to the check-out desk as they would normally do.
- Students may request items online, or with the help of the Research Assistance Librarian.
- For items that have been requested/“put on hold” by students, staff will retrieve the item. The student will receive an email indicating that the item(s) is ready for pick up, after which the item(s) can be picked up at the front desk.
- The return procedure is the same as in the past, with students returning their items to one of the book returns on campus.
- All items will be quarantined for 72 hours upon use or return before those items are reshelved.
- The computer lab and computer kiosks in the library are to be used at the patrons’ own discretion. Sanitizing wipes are available in strategic locations within the library, including near the computer lab. Patrons will be encouraged to use the sanitizing wipes provided to clean their work area before and after use.
- Students should sanitize their hands before and after handling any library materials.