Updates to Advancement Salesforce Records

Updates to Advancement Salesforce Records

Need a New Record Created?

If you have searched the Advancement Salesforce database and believe that the record you need does not exist, then you can either:

  • In Salesforce, go to "Cases" and select "New Case"
    • Select record type: Information Update.
    • Complete the fields and provide all necessary contact information in the "Description" field.


  • Submit a request via email to university-advancement@bethel.edu
    • All emails received by this inbox are automatically converted to a Salesforce case that is sent directly to the data team.
    • Both the Subject line (e.g. Need by Feb 1) and your name will appear on the Salesforce report.

Need to Update an Existing Record?

Update requests can be submitted directly in Salesforce.

  • From the Contact record, click on the "Info Update" button located at the top right.
  • Provide new contact information and any other pertinent details.
  • These requests will go directly to the data team to process.

Need an Urgent Update to a Record?

In the event that a record needs to be updated faster than usual, please submit the request via email to university-advancement@bethel.edu. 

  • All emails received by this inbox are automatically converted to a Salesforce case that is sent directly to the data team.
  • Both the Subject line (e.g. Need by Feb 1) and your name will appear on the Salesforce report.
  • The Data Integrity Specialist monitors these cases daily and will give your submission priority, as needed.

This process is important so that the work our data team does can be monitored for quality control and the volume of work can be reportable. In order to provide our student workers with clear and consistent direction, this is also the process that they have been instructed to follow. Please do not request data updates directly to the student workers. Any work outside of this process must first be approved by either the Director of Prospect Management or the Data Integrity Specialist, who will then give the students direction.