Credit Card Policy

Credit Card Policy

Bethel University and Bethel University Foundation (hereinafter referred to as “Bethel”) recognize that some employees may be required to travel or incur other expenses to conduct business. Accordingly, Bethel has provided approved employees with a corporate credit card for business related expenses. Provision of a corporate credit card is a privilege that may be revoked at will by Bethel. Requests for a corporate credit card must be submitted through the Credit Card Request Form and approved by the appropriate Cabinet member. As a Bethel credit card holder, you agree to using the card as a benefit to Bethel and will follow the organization’s expense policies.

Misuse of a Bethel Credit card may lead to disciplinary action, including immediate dismissal. Examples of misuse can include:

  • Personal use of the Bethel issued credit card
  • Loaning a Bethel issued card to others
  • Any purchase that does not align with the Business Expense Policy
  • Failure to submit timely reports

In any instance when a Bethel University credit card charge is determined to be a "personal expense", check payment with notice of the expense and date of charge, must be promptly submitted to the Business Office.

Approved and reviewed credit card charges will be due by the 15th of the following month. Card holders who fail to submit a report by the end of day on the 15th will be notified that failure to submit the outstanding charges by the end of the current month will result in their corporate card being turned off. The credit card will remain turned off until all outstanding charges have been submitted, reviewed, and approved. Bethel University reserves the right to revoke a credit card. Employees who have a had their card revoked, can reapply. Reapplication does not guarantee a card will be issued.

Information on how to submit a credit card report can be found the Business Office's Employee Resource Confluence page.

If your card is lost or stolen, immediately contact the Business Office at 651-638-6208.

This policy supersedes and replaces in its entirety any prior policy. Bethel University and Bethel University Foundation reserve the right to modify or amend this policy at any time.

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