Alcohol and Drug Abuse Resources

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Resources



Bethel University Counseling Services

651.635.8540; bethel.edu/counseling-services

Counseling, support, referral assistance

Bethel Office of Student Life

651.638.6300; bethel.edu/undergrad/student-life

Counseling, support, referral assistance

MN Adult & Teen Challenge

612.500.4211; mntc.org

740 E. 24th St. Minneapolis, MN 55404

Residential and outpatient programs for teens and adults; faith-based recovery programs

Hazelden Treatment Center

1.844.335.8984 hazelden.org

11505 36th Ave. N. Plymouth, MN 55441

Residential treatment program for adults and adolescents, family program

Fairview Outpatient Programs

612.672.2736 fairview.org

Consultation, inpatient and outpatient treatment programs, family program

MN Prevention Resource Center

651.646.3055; mnprc.org

2395 University Ave. Suite 310 St. Paul, MN 55114

A clearinghouse for alcohol and drug abuse prevention, information, and local services

Narcotics Anonymous

612.822.9472 (877.767.7676 ); naminnesota.org

6066 Shingle Creek Pkwy. #113 Brooklyn Center, MN 55430

Help for addicts only, 12-step program for people who are addicted to drugs

MN Recovery Connection

612.584.4158; minnesotarecovery.org

2446 University Ave. W. Suite 112 St. Paul, MN 55114

A clearinghouse for alcohol and drug abuse prevention, information, and local services

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

877.726.4727; samhsa.gov

A national clearinghouse for alcohol and drug abuse prevention, information, and services

Ramsey Co. Mental Health-Chemical Dependency Services

651.266.4009 (Hotline 651-266-7900); ramseycounty.us

Free assessment for any resident of Ramsey County; 24-hour helpline

United Way’s First Call for HELP

Cell Phone: 800.543.7709 Land Line: 2-1-1; 211unitedway.org

*Or text your zip code to 898-211 (Texting service available 8am-7pm M-F)

Information referral agency, 24-hour service






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