Transcript of Co-Curricular Involvement

Transcript of Co-Curricular Involvement

Transcript of Co-Curricular Involvement

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Transcript of Co-Curricular Involvement

The Transcript of Co-Curricular Involvement documents a student’s involvement in Bethel-sponsored groups outside of the classroom. This official transcript complements a student’s resume and academic transcript when applying to graduate school or seeking employment. It can also be a tool to help students plan which activities to be involved in for the best overall experience at Bethel. The transcript includes activities, athletics, clubs and organizations, select on-campus jobs, fine arts, leadership, multicultural involvement, and service.

Co-curricular advisors submit records of student participation to the Office of Student Life. All students who have had a record submitted are emailed a copy for review near the end of each school year. Students may submit a correction form to keep their transcripts accurate. An official, signed transcript is provided to seniors prior to commencement and to any student upon request.